““The creative act, the defeat of habit by originality, overcomes everything.””
Foul Winds & Forbidden Seas
A menagerie of eldritch hazards a Third-Party creation compatible with PIRATE BORG as part of the Cabin Fever Jam. Within you will find strange flora and fauna as well as bizarre weather effects your crew may encounter in their voyages.
Some friends in Southern West Virginia have started a Extra Life team, known as WV Fox, to raise money for the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. As part of the Children’s Miracle Network, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital helps thousands of children…
In my campaign setting Gargoyles were created, during a lost Mythic Age, as tomb guardians for those of means. Convicts and other condemned were often used in their creation, warping them mind, body, and soul into rock winged horrors. The magics used to bind them had the unintended consequence…