This screenshot has been reproduced with permission from THMiniatures.
“Our friend… gave Ambrosio a wonderful look!”
— Crippled God Foundry
In February, 2019 I decided to tackle the duelist miniature Ambrosio Anacleto by Crippled God Foundry. This piece coincided with several breakthroughs in my painting technique including edge highlighting, wet blending, and those cursed eyes that have always given me trouble. Even after 20+ years of painting minis, I still don’t do a very good job most of the time.
This time it was different, the stars aligned, the mists parted and the Great Old Ones crawled from their tombs… wait wrong story. Long story short the miniature turned out great, and I decided to share my experience with the creators of this fabulous piece. The folks at Crippled God Foundry were kind enough to showcase my work on their Facebook page.
Stop by their website and pick up one or more of their amazing sculpts, they do amazing work. You can find them on the web, social media, or in Athens Greece.